Ebullition Records
They have a comp. record that includes Frail. Plus you can find other great bands and related info.

BloodLink Records
They put out the "New Harmony" 7" and the CD. They also run a film/festival. Hope you're satisfied now Scott. Just kidding.

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals. If I'm not mistaken, the members of Frail were animal rights activists or pro animal rights.

Ink and Dagger
Don Devore went on to play in this band. The site is slow thanks to the large flash file that is not needed.

Student Films
Now I'm just putting links on here for fun. If you're an Independant moving pictures maker, then check out this site for resource info.

Amy's Kitchen
This company makes great vegetarian and vegan food for people who can't cook or don't have the time.

Alternative Baking Company
This company makes the best cookies in the galaxy and they're vegan cookies.

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